Crafts: Mosaic

DIY Ladybug Mosaic Craft

Ladybug-mosaic-craftThere is just something about mosaics in general that is so very charming, or if ancient, inspiring! Here in Israel we have quite a few ancient mosaic that have been excavated, the most famous being from the floor of a synagogue, I believe, though, yikes, I have not been there.....yet! Sorry, lest I digress, I just really wanted to share with you this ladybug mosaic that I saw during our summer visit to Gita, Israel. It was on a wall outside a home, and of course caught my eye because it is quite simple to do, and yet so very sweet. So dear readers, before the weather gets cold, do think about trying out a mosaic, as they are best done outside due to the mess of for example, clipping your ceramic scraps into shapes! If you are interested in mosaic crafts in general, including pots and plaques, check out my entire mosaic crafts category right here.

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