I'm sharing this a bit on the late side to actually be inspired this year, that is to use my idea and make a loose-leaf watercolor counting the Omer art journal, but you could certainly make the journal anytime and save it for next year, or use it as a gift or for some other purpose. We are so blessed to have a new bride in the family, as one of my sons got engaged, and I was just thinking that an art journal like this one would be a great "count down to the wedding" gift, maybe for the last two months or so......So friends, check out my idea, and keep it in mind, whether for counting the Omer, or counting down to a big day, or even as a gift to a loved one to use as a journal.
And my biggest piece of advice? Keep it simple! The only reason that I actually have succeeded with this project is that I only allowed myself to use watercolors, and collage with watercolor painted elements, and then pens and paint pens for the lettering, that is it! Ah yes, and one more thing, the success of this project is also partially due to all the amazing instruction and inspiration that I soaked up from Wendy Solganik aka @willa.wanders via her huge hand lettering for art journaling course, called Love Your (Imperfect) Letters, which has just been so very perfect for this art journal. Of course I do need to go back and learn some more styles, but this journal was a great start and really the first time ever that I've been so lettering focused and so happy with the results! Want to see how I made this journal? Keep on reading!
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