Isn't this crocheted spare tire cover a fun jeep accessory? Especially great for a summer vacation vibe, or in a beach town, which is where I spotted this one, namely in Pacifica, California in a mobile home park with the most coveted views ever! This car came all the way from Ohio to enjoy this spot! A crocheted spare tire cover is essentially a round doily with sides, and could be made using so many patterns. One could also make a cover by crocheting hexigons or circles and then joining those, meaning it doens't have to be something crocheted in the round! I love that this one is airy, less yarn and less dust and dirt to worry about, and less time to make! Okay, I just googles crocheted spare tire cover, and wow, my head is spinning with all the ideas, and one can even purchase them on Etsy, so this look isn't only for those who can make one themselves. Hmmmm, now I think I need a jeep so I can crochet one myself?
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