Hey there, I've got the recipe for the simplest crocheted flower ever, simple because you crochet it in just one round, how about that? And better yet, you can use the formula to make teeny tiny, small or medium sized flowers by simply altering some of the parameters.....I've made three sizes so far, this one actually is the largest of them. These crocheted flowers can be used in so many ways, and are the perfect little project to have in your purse, or to make on the go.....each one takes five minutes or less, and in no time you'll have a whole bouquet! Use these flowers to make crocheted flower garlands, or sew them onto a pillow, or a garment of some kind. Love hot glue? Well then glue them onto an embroidery hoop or a branch, or onto some ribbon and make napkin holders. There's no limit to the ways in which you can use these little beauties, so use up all those odds and ends of yarn and make as many as you can......
Ready to get crocheting? Grab that hook and yarn, and lets get started......
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