Right now my 19 year old son is working hard to disassemble our succah, and while we officially said goodbye to the succah on Wednesday before sundown, it is now official. We celebrated the holiday of Simchat Torah in our homes, but one is not allowed to touch the succah until after simchat torah, meaning now!
Succot is one of my very favorite holidays, and especially since it lasts a whole week, and all the preparations are enjoyed with family and friends! This year things are a bit different as we live close enough to the border of Lebanon to hear loud booms frequently, jet planes overhead and experience daily (or more) sirens warning of incoming missiles. Big sigh. Nonetheless, life goes on as do our beloved holidays, albeit with fewer visitors as many are afraid to come to the North of the country, and others we wouldn't encourage knowing it might be traumatic. Living in a war zone is surreal I must say, and it is true that we are living on miracles, (as everyone does) just now it is so much more apparent. I feel safe most of the time as long as I'm indoors and in my own home, so grateful for that!
But back to the succah, made this year with curtains from inside the house and lots of painted white cardboard leaves. Together with out Moroccan lamps it was truly lovely! So goodbye succah, see you again next year, and can't wait to continue this new trend of cremes and whites next year!
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