Today is the yahrzheit, hillula, (the memorial anniversary of the day of passing) of our dear Rachel Imeinu, one of the mothers of the Jewish people. Sooooooo, just like last year, my daughter and I boarded a bus for an 18 hour trip which encompassed all four holy cities in Israel, and included a visit to Beit Lechem (Bethlehem) to the gravesite of Rachel.
Let's start with a photo journal of our visit to Chevron (Hebron) the gravesite of Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Sara, Rivka, and Leah. As well as Adam and Chava (Eve). Rachel is the only one not buried here, but rather a 30 minute drive away, in Beit Lechem, where she has been visited for 3,000 years!
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