Today is the last day of the Jewish holiday of Succot, here in Israel, where we celebrate the holiday for 7 lovely days. Elsewhere the holiday is 8 days. While I am always a bit sad to say goodbye to the succah, we actually can't take it apart until Saturday night/Sunday as the holiday goes right into another holiday, called Simchat Torah. Our succah is constructed in the entrance courtyard of our home, so truthfully I still get to enjoy it for another day or so. While this year has been a quiet and restful holiday, I somehow did not find time to photograph my succah properly! I did of course take photos of all the crafts that I wanted to share with you, and last night I quickly took a few more, so I now present to the world my Morocco meets recycling craft Succah! Yes indeed, many succahs do look alike, decorated with crafts kids make in school and traditional posters, but that certainly need not be the case, and of course is not the case here at CJM central! Okay, lets take a peek inside!
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