Ever wonder what you could do with your kids on that layover in the airport? During that long wait at the passport office? While visiting relatives that don't have anyone for your kids to play with? While riding on the bus or in the car? Here it is! The perfectly simple project with minimal supplies, that becomes a toy once you've finished creating. How great is that?
And this is the kind of thing you can keep as a surprise tucked away in your bag, to pull out just when your children are about to fall apart! Older children can certainly complete the entire project by themselves, younger children could be given paper pieces like hats, ears, ties, clothes etc. to color.
You'll Need:
- plastic spoons in various sizes
- colored Paper
- glue or double-stick tape
- permanent marker and scissors
- pompoms (optional)
- craft eyes (optional)
- plastic bottle-cap (optional)
Just a few ideas for plastic spoon puppet faces!
How-To Simple Plastic Spoon Puppet:
- Draw faces on spoon backs with permanent marker
- Sketch and cut out accessories from colored paper
- Affix paper pieces to spoon with glue or double stick tape (better for a trip) To affix hats, slip spoon through a slit near the bottom of the hat. (see photo above)
How-To Pom-Pom Plastic Spoon Puppet:
- Affix pom-poms to spoon with glue. (I used tiny teaspoons with regular size pom-poms)
- Glue eyes to pom-pom, and use a mini pom-pom for nose
- Use a plastic bottle cap for a hat, or paper for ears and details.
- Cut a few strands from your broom for cat's whiskers
For an advanced version of this project, create a story with your children and then make puppets for each of the characters! (And you can make spoons that are objects in the story as well, like a tree, a house etc.) Practice your puppet show until everyone knows their part, and put on a great show! And don't forget to invite me, I'd love to see how you've made this project your own!