I have once again dusted this one off as it is a keeper, and with Purim in one month, now is a great time to spoil the kids and the family with some extra crafting this year! Here is what I wrote two years ago:
A fun DIY castle centerpiece made from recyclables is truly up my alley, and so this project from the past is still one of my very favorites. Come to think of it, this castle centerpiece is really a quick project, so what am I waiting for.....with Purim in just a week now would be the time to whip up a new one! If you know me, well then I certainly have a shoe box and various cardboard tubes hanging out just waiting to be used, so no excuses really except that life is very busy at the moment.
Now as far as you dear reader are concerned, a colorful castle crafted by mom or the kids or both, could be a fantastic centerpiece for the Purim sueda (meal). There's so many ways to go with this one as far as materials and size. And if you don't need a centerpiece so how about a castle mishloach manos? Just build your castle on the lid of the shoe box and voila! I think I may just have to use that idea myself, for the kid's teachers that is, who deserve something really special, and are expecting something creative! I guess that's the price one pays when you don't hide your crafty ways! (Note: I have yet to actually try this, so if you do, please send photos!)
Okay, shall we make a fun castle to grace our party table, Purim, birthday party or castle themed event? Lets get started.......
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