Looking for B'Derech HaMelech? Visit them now at torahparentcoach.com
Would you love to be close to your children and feel good about your family BUT:
- Your 6-year-old refused to get dressed and go to school today?
- There is no meal you can prepare, that all the children will agree to eat?
- Do visitors cringe at the language your daughter is inclined to use?
- Your 10-year-old son is refusing simple orders – now you’re worried about what's to come?
Do you fall into bed exhausted each night wondering how you will manage to make it through your next parenting day? It doesn't have to be that way!
WE CAN HELP. It's Called G.A.P. – Giving Authority back to Parents
G.A.P. is a unique, integrated, Torah-based system of straightforward techniques that can be learned quickly and be applied within a few weeks. You can help your children experience "caring love within proper borders" that will lead to a healthy, happy, family life. These tools are based on Chazal and are supported by modern medical research.
NO ONE CARES AS MUCH ABOUT YOUR CHILD AS YOU DO. We are here to activate changes in your child’s life with you, the parents, leading the way, in order to put your child back on the “Right Track”.
"B'Derech HaMelech" has helped me with my son so much-- I don't know where he would be today without them. No matter what the question is, they always have sound, usable advice." -Sara
"You have completely turned my child around-- she is happy, cooperative, helpful-- and no longer fights with her siblings. It's amazing!" -Deganit
"Why didn't I know about your organization earlier? I have been searching for solutions to my child's problems for years-- with no end in sight. After following your team's suggestions, and with the moral support you gave us as parents, he became a successful student, and is now engaged to be married. Thank you and Mazl Tov! --Chaim
The following services are available for individual families:
- Individual Parent-Training (one parent only) with one counselor, via telephone and email: $50/hr
- Couples Parent-Training with two therapist-coaches,via telephone and e-mail: $65/hr
The following services are available for groups:
- 8-Week Group Parent-Training Courses (available in Israel only): 250 shekels per person, minimum 20 students.
Learn more specific information about The Right Track-B'Derech HaMelech's AD/HD and dyslexia evaluation and treatment program, here
We look forward to hearing from you! Please feel free to contact us by email with your questions.
Mrs. E. Reznik, BFA Creative/Fine Arts, Director Complete Biography here.
Mrs. I. Trachtman, MA Psych, Psychologist Complete Biography here.
Mrs. S. Gallin, MA Ed, Educational Consultant
In Israel: 050 410 1251 or 04 692 5251
By email: [email protected]