A whole eight years ago I posted these photos of my healthful spelt and oatmeal rolls, and now I myself had to visit the blog to look up the recipe, so I realized that I should just re-post it as the photos are good enough, (though I did have to add a title and a watermark) unlike some of my very early blog posts. Tonight we are ushering in the very solemn day of T'Isha B'Av, which is also a mandatory 25 hour fast, (there are of course exceptions for children under bar/bat mitzvah age, those with illness or women after birth,) and we will be eating two vegetarian meals before the fast: one for sustenance and one right before the fast, that is eaten sitting on the floor and with symbolic foods of mourning.
So of course the family and the teens have to eat, and when the kids used up the bread I had planned to serve them later in the day I realized that once upon a time I did bake bread (pre-teen daughter taking over the baking) and that I could certainly revisit those days in order to serve my family something really healthy and great tasting before the fast. To top it off we just happened to have a bag of spelt flour in the freezer, so voila, I baked, or rather I am baking as the rolls have yet to go into the oven.
Okay, here is what I wrote back in 2012, and all the information is still applicable!
These spelt rolls made with oatmeal and date syrup were a huge hit last night at dinner, and I have to admit, they were delicious! So delicious in fact that I couldn't quite believe it! A neighbor and I recently found a way to order our favorite organic spelt flour directly from the supplier in bulk, so I'm planning to be doing a lot more baking, starting with these rolls, which are really just a revised version of my whole wheat mini baguettes.
These rolls are fabulous for sandwiches, or toasted open faced and spread with a little coconut oil, my latest culinary discovery, and oh so delicious and healthy!
Simply follow the recipe for the whole wheat mini baguettes, substituting spelt flour for the whole wheat flour, and if desired make your rolls bigger, I made 14 from 1 kilo of spelt flour and they are the perfect size for a nice sandwich.
Also, since I was using spelt flour, and I wanted them to be as least dense as possible, I did set the baking rack on the stove top for about an hour such that the rolls could rise before baking, after which I brushed on egg white and sprinkled on the sesame seeds. That's it, enjoy!